Posts — motherhood

From Single Foster Mom to CEO: How a Little Boy Named Oliver Inspired a business
From Single Foster Mom to CEO: How a Little Boy Named Oliver Inspired a business
i will never forget that moment and there are no words to even describe what my heart felt when i saw him for the first time. as he was dropped off, i was told Oliver was exposed in-utero to a cocktail of drugs, with meth being the majority. he had been abandoned by his mom and, even though he was just a tiny infant, he had already been through several foster homes who refused to keep him because he was too difficult.  Oliver and i were destined. when Oliver came to me, he was very low functioning. he struggled to eat and sleep, he couldn’t lift his head, and any kind of eye contact was too overwhelming and over-stimulating, which would lead to withdrawing. it...

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Shaping the Conversation: Maternal Mental Health Week Shines Light on Support and Awareness
Shaping the Conversation: Maternal Mental Health Week Shines Light on Support and Awareness
Maternal Mental Health Week is a vital annual event that serves as a beacon of hope, support, and awareness for mothers worldwide. In a world where motherhood is often romanticized and idealized, it's crucial to acknowledge the challenges that many mothers face when it comes to their mental well-being. Despite the joyous moments and fulfillment that accompany parenthood, the reality is that many mothers silently grapple with a range of emotions, from overwhelming stress and anxiety to deep-seated feelings of inadequacy and sadness. These challenges can stem from various factors, including hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, societal pressures, and the demands of caring for a newborn. Therefore, Maternal Mental Health Week plays a pivotal role in shedding light on the complexities...

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Coping with Anxiety as a Mom: Strategies for Managing Stress
Coping with Anxiety as a Mom: Strategies for Managing Stress
Managing anxiety as a mom is an ongoing journey that requires patience, self-awareness, and resilience. By implementing these strategies and prioritizing your mental health, you can effectively cope with stress and navigate the challenges of motherhood with confidence and grace. Remember that it's okay to ask for help when you need it and to prioritize self-care as an essential part of being the best mom you can be. With time and practice, you can find balance, peace, and fulfillment in your role as a mother, allowing you to cherish the joys of parenthood while effectively managing the inevitable stresses that come along the way.

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Breaking the Silence: Discussing Infertility and Its Emotional Impact
Breaking the Silence: Discussing Infertility and Its Emotional Impact
Infertility is a deeply personal and often challenging experience that affects millions of individuals and couples worldwide. While the physical aspects of infertility are well-documented, the emotional toll it takes is often overlooked. Breaking the silence surrounding infertility is crucial in providing support and understanding to those affected by it. In this blog post, we will explore the emotional impact of infertility, including the lesser-known aspect of secondary infertility, shedding light on the challenges faced and offering insights on how to navigate this journey with resilience and hope.  

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The Importance of Sleep for Moms: Prioritizing Rest and Restoration
The Importance of Sleep for Moms: Prioritizing Rest and Restoration
As a mother, it's all too easy to prioritize the needs of your family over your own, especially when it comes to sleep. Between late-night feedings, soothing cries, and managing household responsibilities, it's no wonder that many moms find themselves sacrificing sleep in favor of caring for their loved ones. However, prioritizing rest and restoration is essential for both your physical and mental well-being as a mom. Understanding the Importance of Sleep for Moms Sleep plays a vital role in overall health and well-being, and this holds especially true for moms. Adequate sleep is essential for:

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