
Finding Your Mom Tribe
Finding Your Mom Tribe
When you become a parent, your lifestyle and relationships change. Whether you return to the workforce, become a stay-at-home-mom or fall somewhere in between, things are bound to change for you. You probably have some mix of friends who are moms and some who aren’t. Some of your relationships will grow stronger, and others will begin to fade. When you become a mom, you may be surprised by which relationships change. You might expect to become closer to your friends who also have children, but that might not happen. Single friends may embrace your new role as a mom and help work around your new schedule. On the other hand, they may not understand that things are different now. Instead...

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Bonding With Your Newborn
Bonding With Your Newborn
Bonding With Your Newborn  Swaddling your little one is a great start to promoting a strong bond between mom, dad, and baby. Fussy, irritable infants often struggle to bond or attach with their parents because of their lack of focus.  Adjusting to life outside of the womb is a huge transition, and swaddling helps to eliminate some of the extra stimulation babies can experience. Since The Ollie Swaddle helps your little one sleep better at night, there are more periods of focused, alert state during the day when they are awake.  Being well-rested means that baby will be able to interact more and learn from mom and dad. Even during the day, you might try swaddling your little one for...

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Leading With Encouragement
Leading With Encouragement
Let’s face it, we all like it when someone praises us and tells us we are doing a good job. Positive affirmation not only makes us feel good, but helps us know that we are doing good at something. But, like all things, affirmation is great in moderation. Are you wondering how you can encourage your little ones on a daily basis? We have some tips that might help you.     Photo: Saffron & Sage   Start early. Even in the first few months, your little one is looking to you for approval and to know that they are doing things “right.” So, from the time your little one is an infant, find ways to give praise. Whether it’s...

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Benefits of Swaddling
Benefits of Swaddling
Numerous medical studies have proven there are many benefits to swaddling. Recently, it has been in the news that swaddling may contribute to SIDS if proper safety precautions aren’t taken – like laying your baby down to sleep on their stomach – but rest assured that the Ollie Swaddle is designed to provide comfort and security with the safety of our little one in mind. Below are ten ways that the Ollie Swaddle is beneficial for your baby.     Swaddled babies have more restful sleep. Swaddling helps your little one to feel secure like they did in the womb. Swaddling helps sleeping infants remain on their backs. Since back sleeping is one of the best ways to reduce the...

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The Impact of Colors on Development
The Impact of Colors on Development
As we are expecting a little one, we often base our color choices on what we like or what we think looks cute. However, each color has different effects on our emotions, making it important to consider the influences of each color.      Color Families: Warm, Cool, and Neutral Warm tones stimulate the mind and energize the body. They can make larger spaces feel cozy and welcoming. However, cozy doesn’t always translate to relaxing and so warm tones aren’t great for bedtime – especially if your little one is already energetic. Compared to warm colors, cool tones tend to offer a more calming effect. They make rooms feel spacious and relaxing. With this in mind, darker shades should be...

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